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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10

Cleaning with Dirt
Source Institutions
Learners build a filter from old soda bottles and dirt. They create polluted water, and pour it through their filter to clean it.

How Are Soils Classified?
Source Institutions
In this activity about soil (page 7 of the PDF), learners will use their sense of touch as well as sight to understand how soil is classified based on texture and other details.

Clean It Up
Source Institutions
In this "Sid the Science Kid" activity, learners get their hands dirty by playing in a container of soil. Then they compare the effectiveness of cleaning their hands with just a paper towel vs.

Creating a Soil Map
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate soil conditions by creating a soil map. Learners record soil characteristics and compare the conditions of soil in different grid sections.

Edible Soil
Source Institutions
In this yummy activity about soil (page 9 of PDF), learners will create layers of soil using food. They will learn about the composition and role of each layer.

Squishy Soil
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will investigate the part of soil. Explore how clay, silt, and sand make up the dirt in your background. Activity includes step-by-step instructions and extension ideas.

Super Soil
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners make their own organic-rich soil. Depending on where this activity is done, learners will probably discover that their local soil is low in organic matter.

Source Institutions
This is an activity about turbidity, or the amount of sediment suspended in water.
Soil Secrets
Source Institutions
In this activity (located at the bottom of the page), learners investigate soil and explore the creatures that live in it.

Seeds: Roots and Shoots
Source Institutions
In this indepth hands-on activity, learners build a structure that allows them to observe the growth of roots and the correlation between root growth and stem extension.