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Why are Compact Fluorescent Bulbs More Efficient?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the relative efficiency of different bulbs, specifically incandescent vs. fluorescent.

What does Color have to do with Cooling?
Source Institutions
In this demonstration/experiment, learners discover that different colors and materials (metals, fabrics, paints) radiate different amounts of energy and therefore, cool at different rates.

Illuminating Luminescence
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners compare and contrast different forms of luminescence by observing how chemiluminescence, phosphorescence, and fluorescence produce or emit light.

Rainbow in the Room
Source Institutions
This activity generates learner excitement about light through the creation of a room-sized rainbow.

Can You "See" Thermal Radiation?
Source Institutions
Use this hands-on activity to demonstrate infrared and thermal radiation.