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Build a catapult that transforms the potential energy of a twisted rubber band into kinetic energy. Experiment with design variations so that you can hit a target with a projectile.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 8 - 18 10 to 30 minutes
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Sound can travel through a variety of media.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 6 - 14 Under 5 minutes
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In this activity, learners explore how sound travels through solid objects better than through air. Leaners attach a metal clothes hanger to a piece of string and hold it to their ears.

$1 - $5 per student Ages 6 - 18 5 to 10 minutes
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In this physics activity (page 4 of the PDF), learners will--using nothing more than a coat hanger and some string--explore and understand sound energy and how it moves.

$1 - $5 per student Ages 6 - 11 5 to 10 minutes