Search Results
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Atoms and Matter (K-2)
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore atoms as the smallest building blocks of matter. With adult help, learners start by dividing play dough in half, over and over again.

Nuclear Fusion
Source Institutions
This simple and engaging astronomy activity explains nuclear fusion and how radiation is generated by stars, using marshmallows as a model.

M&M® Model of the Atom: Edible Subatomic Particles
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use colored candy to represent subatomic particles and make a model of an atom (Bohr model).

Atomic Mobile
Source Institutions
Learners make a mobile model of a carbon atom using clay, wire, and pipe cleaners.

Glitter Globe
Source Institutions
This activity shows learners (with adult supervision) how to make a Glitter Globe, a fabulous toy that shimmers when you shake it.