Balancing Sculptures

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In this activity, learners will use a variety of household and/or natural objects to design a sculpture that balances from a single point. The activity includes a time and age recommendation, a materials list, step-by-step set up instructions, tips for adults, learning and skills connections, a "what's going on" section, and a note about doing STEAM with kids.

Quick Guide

Preparation Time:
5 to 10 minutes

Learning Time:
30 to 45 minutes

Estimated Materials Cost:
free per group of students

Age Range:
Ages 6 - adult

Resource Type:


Materials List (per group of students)

  • A chopstick, dowel, stick, or similar objects; and a way to make it stand up
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Glue
  • Assorted materials, such as cardboard, corks, toilet paper and paper towel rolls, paper clips, yarn, toothpicks, paper, recycled items, items from nature


  • Engineering and Technology
    • Engineering
  • Physical Sciences
    • Motion and Forces

Informal Categories

  • Arts and Crafts
  • Toys


Components that are part of this resource:

Access Rights:

  • Free access



  • , Boston Children's Museum, 2021