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In this activity related to flight, learners conduct two simple tests to explore how lift works. In "Use Your Lips to Levitate," learners hold a piece of paper, blow over the paper, and watch Bernoulli's Principle in motion. In "Balloons that Boggle", learners investigate what happens when they try to blow two hanging balloons together. See related resource "What's Going on? The Simple Explanation" to better understand the forces at work in these tests. Use these activities to demonstrate Bernoulli's Principle and help learners understand the role of lift in flight. This resource is related to two other activities in the SMILE Pathway: Look Mom, No Wings! and Squeeze the Stream.
- Under 5 minutes
- 5 to 10 minutes
- 1 cent - $1 per group of students
- Ages 8 - 14
- Activity, Demonstration, Lesson/Lesson Plan
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per group of students)
- piece(s) of paper
- breath
- balloons
- string
- water
Engineering and Technology
- Aerospace Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
Physical Sciences
Motion and Forces
- Gravity
- Momentum and Velocity
- Acceleration
States of Matter
- Gases
Motion and Forces
The Nature of Science
The Scientific Process
- Conducting Investigations
The Scientific Process
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- touch
Learning styles supported:
- Involves teamwork and communication skills
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
Components that are part of this resource:
This resource is part of:
- Smithsonian Education: Lesson Plans (Science & Technology)
- How Things Fly: Activities for Teaching Flight
- How Things Fly: Lesson Plan 2
Access Rights:
- Free access
- Office of Education, National Museum of Natural History; Education Department, Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum
- All rights reserved, Smithsonian Institution, 2010