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In this activity, learners construct a rocket powered by the pressure generated from an effervescing antacid tablet reacting with water, and build a launch pad for their rocket. This activity includes step-by-step instructions, a video connecting to NASA engineering, a "what's going on section" that explains the science behind the activity, suggested questions to engage your learner, and a suggested extension to the activity. This activity includes low-cost materials and can be done at home.
- Under 5 minutes
- 10 to 30 minutes
- $5 - $10 per student
- Ages 6 - 18
- Activity
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per student)
- 1 small plate or pie pan
- Construction paper
- Tape
- Scissors
- Markers
- Plastic 35 mm film canister
- Cellophane tape
- Effervescing antacid tablet (like Alka-Seltzer)
- Paper towels
- Water
- Eye protection
Engineering and Technology
- Aerospace Engineering
Physical Sciences
- Chemical Reactions
Motion and Forces
- Newton's Laws
States of Matter
- Gases
Informal Categories
- Transportation
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