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Water, whether fresh or salty, serves as one of the best electrical conductors on the planet. Does salt effect its conductivity? In this activity, learners will explore the effects of salts in the water, as well as the effects of other parameters on the conductivity of water. Learners will use real-time data from buoys around the coastal U.S. in this exploration.
- 10 to 30 minutes
- 1 to 2 hours
- free per student
- Ages 14 - 18
- Activity, Lesson/Lesson Plan
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per student)
Earth and Space Science
Earth Processes
- Weather and Climate
Earth Structure
- Oceans and Water
Earth Processes
Data Analysis and Probability
- Data Analysis
- Data Collection
- Data Representation
Data Analysis and Probability
Physical Sciences
Electricity and Magnetism
- Electric Charges and Currents
Electricity and Magnetism
The Nature of Science
The Scientific Process
- Gathering Data
The Scientific Process
The Nature of Technology
Technology and Society
- Impacts of Technology
- Technology and the Environment
Technology and Society
Informal Categories
- Nature and Environment
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- read
- use keyboard
- use mouse
Learning styles supported:
- Involves teamwork and communication skills
- Uses STEM to solve real-world problems
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
Components that are part of this resource:
Includes alignment to state and/or national standards:
This resource is part of:
Access Rights:
- Free access
- Petrone, Christopher J.
Funding Source:
- Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program