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In this online activity about anatomy, learners will correctly order the path blood takes through the heart in order to absorb oxygen to deliver to the rest of the body. When they have completed the task, they will see an animation of a heart doing what it does best: pumping blood. This activity is part of a rather extensive collection of activities and information surrounding the wonder of the human heart.
- Under 5 minutes
- Under 5 minutes
- free per student
- Ages 11 - 18
- Activity, Game
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per student)
- Computer with internet connection
Life Sciences
Human Body
- Circulation
- Medicine
Human Body
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- use mouse
Learning styles supported:
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
Access Rights:
- Free access
Source Collection
- COSI classroom and online acitvities
- All rights reserved, COSI Columbus, 2000
Funding Source:
- Columbus Medical Association Foundation