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In this activity (on pages 13-16 of the PDF) learners investigate three mystery samples to see which one contains life. The three samples are sand, sand and yeast, and sand and antacid. During the activity, learners add sugar (food) and warm water to the samples, and observe that the sand (non-living) does not change, the yeast (living) starts to produce bubbles continuously, and the antacid (non-living) bubbles and then slows to a stop. The difference between a chemical reaction that runs down and a chemical reaction maintained by a living organism can be discussed.
- 10 to 30 minutes
- 30 to 45 minutes
- 1 cent - $1 per group of students
- Ages 4 - 14
- Activity, Lesson/Lesson Plan
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per group of students)
- 3 clear containers
- 1 container of warm tap water
- 3 tablespoons of sand
- 3 teaspoons of sugar
- 1/2 packet of active dry yeast
- 1 fizzing antacid tablet, crushed
- hand lenses
- 3 small sheets of paper
- 1 spoon
- White board, chalk board, or large piece of chart paper and chalk or markers
Earth and Space Science
- Astronomy
Life Sciences
Diversity of Life
- Protists and Fungi
Diversity of Life
Physical Sciences
- Chemical Reactions
- Chemistry of Life
The Nature of Science
The Scientific Process
- Conducting Investigations
The Scientific Process
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- touch
Learning styles supported:
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
Includes alignment to state and/or national standards:
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Access Rights:
- Free access
Source Collection
- Science After School Consumer's Guide
Funding Source:
- NASA, NAG5-13028