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In this math lesson, learners explore tessellations through literature, music, writing, and art activities. First, learners take a walk to identify and photograph real-life examples of tessellations in nature and in their community. Using the photographs, learners write a class big book, "Tessellation Walk," and sing amusing tessellation songs. Learners then work in small groups to investigate a variety of engaging and motivating activities at centers, in which learners make tessellations using sponges, paint, crackers, and computer software.
- 10 to 30 minutes
- 1 to 2 hours
- $10 - $20 per group of students
- Ages 6 - 8
- Activity, Lesson/Lesson Plan
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per group of students)
- Camera
- Tessellation and Tessellation WOW! song sheets
- 3-4 pairs of scissors
- Cardboard or poster board (4 in x 6 in pieces)
- White unlined paper
- 4 boxes of crayons
- 4 black markers
- TesselMania! computer program
- Computers
- Boxes of a variety of snack crackers of various shapes
- Bowls of crackers
- Unlined paper
- Activity Sheet: Which Crackers Will Tessellate?
- Tempera paints (several colors)
- Sponges (in shapes that will tessellate)
- Large sheets of bulletin board paper
- Compressed sponge paper shapes
- Bucket of water
- 4 permanent makers
- Lined paper
- Plane Geometry
Informal Categories
- Arts and Crafts
- Food and Cooking
- Literature
- Music
- Nature and Environment
- Outdoor Activity
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- see color
- read
- use keyboard
- use mouse
- be mobile
- touch
Learning styles supported:
- Involves teamwork and communication skills
- Links STEM to other topics of interest such as arts and humanities
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
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Access Rights:
- Free access
- All rights reserved, PBS, 2012
Funding Source:
- US Department of Education