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In this activity, learners construct a coastal landmass from sand and add features such as tidal creeks and barrier islands. Learners then add varying amounts of water to observe the effects of storm surge on coastal land masses.
- Under 5 minutes
- 45 to 60 minutes
- $5 - $10 per group of students
- Ages 8 - adult
- Activity, Lesson/Lesson Plan, Simulation
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per group of students)
- Long plastic container such as an under the bed storage container or stream table
- Milk jug or pitcher
- Sand
- Access to a water faucet or a hose
- A variety of materials such as Lego blocks, Monopoly houses or other items with which to build houses (such as shells, sticks, rocks, leaves, grass, straws, cardboard, etc.)
- Sponges (to be cut up and placed to represent the marsh)
- Tiny toy animals, people, cars, etc.
- Plastic straws (to place the houses on stilts‐optional)
- Block of wood
- Erasable markers
- Paper towels for clean-up
Earth and Space Science
Earth Processes
- Weather and Climate
Earth Structure
- Oceans and Water
Earth Processes
Life Sciences
- Human Impact
The Nature of Science
Science and Society
- Risks and Benefits
Science and Society
Informal Categories
- Nature and Environment
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- touch
Learning styles supported:
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
Includes alignment to state and/or national standards:
Includes assesments for student learning:
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Access Rights:
- Free access
- Olsen, Margaret ; Greganti, Katie ; COSEE SE
- All rights reserved, The Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence, 2012
Funding Sources:
- National Science Foundation, 0827983
- National Science Foundation, 0828142
- National Science Foundation, 0827953
- NOAA National Sea Grant
- Office of Naval Research
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration