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In this hands-on activity, learners build their own kaleidoscopes and explore how light can reflect of off surfaces such as mirrors, to produce beautiful patterns. By changing different aspects of the kaleidoscope's design, participants also learn about variables, predictions and outcomes, all part of the scientific process. Leaders can link this activity to other lessons on color, optics and the electromagnetic spectrum.
- 5 to 10 minutes
- 30 to 45 minutes
- $1 - $5 per group of students
- Ages 6 - 11
- Activity
- English, Spanish
Quick Guide
Materials List (per group of students)
- paper towel tubes, 1 per kaleidoscope
- 8"x11" transparency film (for overhead projectors), cut into strips 1 1/4" wide and 11" long
- ruler
- clear tape
- scissors
- sharpened pencil
- small 3 oz. paper cups (unwaxed)
- colored markers
- small mirrors, large mirror, paper, pencil (optional - for Dig Deeper activities)
Life Sciences
Human Senses and Perception
- Vision
- Perception
Human Senses and Perception
Physical Sciences
Vibration and Waves
- Light and Optics
Light and Optics
- Lenses and Mirrors
- Reflection and Refraction
Vibration and Waves
The Nature of Science
The Scientific Process
- Asking Questions
- Conducting Investigations
The Scientific Process
Informal Categories
- Arts and Crafts
- Toys
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- see color
- be mobile
- touch
Learning styles supported:
- Involves teamwork and communication skills
- Links STEM to other topics of interest such as arts and humanities
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
Foreign language versions of this resource:
Components that are part of this resource:
Includes alignment to state and/or national standards:
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Access Rights:
- Free access
Source Collection
- Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman
- All rights reserved, WGBH Educational Foundation, 2009
Funding Sources:
- National Science Foundation, 0813513
- Public television viewers