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In this activity, learners build a nanorover model using styrofoam meat trays and a balloon. This activity includes information about the MUSES-CN nanorover and the need for a very small rover to explore an asteroid called Nereus.
- $10 - $20 per student
- Ages 8 - 14
- Activity, Model
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per student)
- Three large styrofoam meat trays (at least 9 x 11 inches)
- Ruler
- Four flexible plastic drinking straws
- Three small (10-inch) bamboo skewers (for making shish-ka-bobs)
- Seven pea-sized blobs of clay or Play-doh©, or seven small gum drops
- One large wire paper clip
- One small (7-inch) party balloon
- One small rubber band
- Transparent tape (not the removable kind)
- Printed pattern, decals, and wheel treads (all on 2 sheets of paper)
Earth and Space Science
- Probes, Satellites and Spacecraft
Earth Structure
- Atmosphere
Solar System
- Asteroids and Comets
- Size and Scale
Engineering and Technology
- Aerospace Engineering
- Nanotechnology
Physical Sciences
Motion and Forces
- Machines
- Gravity
Motion and Forces
The Nature of Technology
The Design Process
- Invention and Innovation
The Design Process
Informal Categories
- Model Building
- Toys
- Transportation
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- read
- touch
Learning styles supported:
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
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Access Rights:
- Free access
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Jet Propulsion Laboratory; California Institute of Technology; International Technology and Engineering Education Association
- Public domain, ,