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In this fun sticker activity, learners will create a size wheel with images of objects of different size, from macroscopic scale (like an ant) to nanoscale (like DNA). Learners will be able to understand the difference in sizes and also learn about how small objects look when examined with special imaging technology such as a Scanning Electron Microscope. The activity includes images of: ant, dust mite, hair, virus, chromosome, spider web, penny, red blood cell, DNA, optic fiber, pollen grain, microchip, flagellum, plant cell, and silk threads. [Activity is publicly available through a web crawler capture on]
- 5 to 10 minutes
- 10 to 30 minutes
- 1 cent - $1 per student
- Ages 6 - 18
- Activity
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per student)
- Printout of Size Wheel
- Printout of Size Wheel Cover
- Printout of Stickers
- scissors
- metal brad
- glue or tape
Engineering and Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Technology
Life Sciences
- Cell Structure and Function
Diversity of Life
- Plants
- Animals
- Viruses and Bacteria
- Protists and Fungi
Heredity and Genetics
- DNA Structure and Function
- Human Body
- Units of Measurement
- Size and Scale
Number and Operations
- Exponents
- Multiples and Factors
- Representation
Physical Sciences
Vibration and Waves
- Light and Optics
- Structure and Properties of Matter
Vibration and Waves
The Nature of Science
The Scientific Process
- The Scientific Worldview
The Scientific Process
The Nature of Technology
Technology and Society
- Impacts of Technology
Technology and Society
Informal Categories
- Photography and Film/Video
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- read
- touch
Learning styles supported:
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
Components that are part of this resource:
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Access Rights:
- Free access
- All rights reserved, The Regents of University of California, 2007
Funding Sources:
- National Science Foundation
- Nation Aeronautics and Space Administration
- The Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems, Berkeley