Stadium Seat Science

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Take the two-straw challenge and discover how pressure affects vacuums! In this activity, learners experiment with drinking through one and two straws, comparing the amount of liquid they can drink. This can lead to further inquiry - why does a straw remain empty when you put your finger over it and place it in a glass of liquid? Why does it fill only to the level of the liquid in the glass when you remove your finger? [Activity is publicly available through a web crawler capture on Activity write-up only, images are unavailable.]

Quick Guide

Preparation Time:
Under 5 minutes

Learning Time:
5 to 10 minutes

Estimated Materials Cost:
1 cent - $1 per student

Age Range:
Ages 8 - 14

Resource Type:



  • Physical Sciences
    • Energy
      • Work and Machines
    • Motion and Forces
      • Machines

Informal Categories

  • Food and Cooking


To use this activity, learners need to:

  • see
  • taste
  • touch

Learning styles supported:

  • Involves hands-on or lab activities


Access Rights:

  • Free access


Source Collection

  • TryScience
