Disease Detectives

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Despite major news coverage of ebola, many student learners and adults may still know very little about disease transmission and epidemics. Howtsmile.org activities that model how infectious diseases spread, how medical detectives investigate them, and how disease transmission can be blocked increase understanding of health risks to both individuals and large populations.

For example, in Predict the Flu, learners roleplay scientists from a world health organization working to prepare for an influenza outbreak. In Outbreak! Investigating Epidemics, learners simulate the spread of disease by trading slips of paper, one set of which has been treated with a baking soda solution. In Biobarcodes: Antibodies and Nanosensors, learners explore how nanotechnology is changing the way large numbers of people are tested for disease.

In Testing Antimicrobials, learners test the effectiveness of cleaning agents including bleach, hand soap and hand gel. In Wash This Way, learners investigate the importance of washing their hands to prevent germ transmission and infection.

[CDC photo]