Get Up and Go—to a Garden!

National Public Gardens
Hundreds of public gardens will hold special events for National Public Gardens Day, Friday, May 11. Activities for school groups, families and visitors of all ages will encourage people to discover their local public garden, and learn about its commitment to education, research and the environment. The American Public Gardens Association is a partner in the Let’s Move! Museums & Gardens initiative, and gardens are a great place to get kids moving with STEM.

Want to start exploring the science and math of gardens now? has garden-themed activities of all kinds—outdoors, indoors, down in the dirt, online—that let learners estimate apple seedsgrow a glove gardenmake a terrariummeasure plant growth, read books about plants and pollinators, and much more. And whenever you plan your field trip to a local garden, you'll find in-depth lesson plans and ideas for interviewing the gardener in the Community Garden Inventory: Garden Hike tour activity. So dig in!