The first Week of Making, sponsored by the White House, is set for June 12-18. "Making can motivate and inspire young people to excel in STEM subjects and prepare students for careers in design, advanced manufacturing, and entrepreneurship. Making can help students acquire 21st-century skills such as teamwork and problem-solving, and address the 'summer learning loss' faced by disadvantaged students without access to enrichment activities outside of school," according to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Make this a fun and challenging maker summer with activities. Over 100 maker projects from the Community Science Workshop Network let you create a camera projector, stomp rocket, mini dancing robot, catapult, electromagnet, lava lamp, hovercraft, hydraulic car, bag pipe, periscope, yo-yo and much more. Find hundreds of SMILE maker activities from great resources like Make:Projects, NASA, Science Museum of Minnesota, COSI, Optical Society of America, and PBS.
(White House photo: robotic giraffe at White House Maker Faire)