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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
Currently Working: Testing Conductivity
Source Institutions
Visitors test solutions of water, sugar, salt, and hydrochloric acid and the solids salt and sugar. They clip leads from the hand generator to wires immersed in each substance.

Water Body Salinities I
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the different salinity levels of oceans, rivers and estuaries.

Conductivity Meter
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a simple qualitative conductivity tester with a battery, bulb and foil.

Water Wire: Electricity Flowing Through Water
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 10 of the PDF, learners detect the amount of energy that can flow through a sodium chloride electrolyte solution with a light sensor.

Electric Highway
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners design and build a circuit: an "electric highway" that connects a battery and buzzer at least three feet apart using four types of materials.

Flat Flashlight
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a tiny but powerful flashlight out of simple materials. Use this activity to introduce learners to electrical circuits and conductivity.

Musical Sculpting Machine: Squeeze Play-Doh to Make Music
Source Institutions
Play-Doh is conductive! Use the semiconductive qualities of Play-Doh to make your own squeezable instrument. Pico Cricket is required.

Fruit Xylophone: Fruit Salad Instrument of the Future!
Source Institutions
This is a perfect summertime lunch activity! Pico Cricket is required (micro controller). First, get a bunch of cut up fruit, line them up, then plug a piece of fruit with a Pico Cricket sensor clip.

Forms of Carbon
Source Institutions
In this activity, educators can demonstrate how the nanoscale arrangement of atoms dramatically impacts a material’s macroscale behavior.

Short Circuit
Source Institutions
In this activity about electricity, learners explore what happens when you blow a fuse.

Make Your Own Batteries!
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Body Electricity Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into conductivity.

Conduction Countdown
Source Institutions
In this quick SciGirls activity (page 1 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Doghouse Design), learners will be introduced to the concept of thermal conductivity.

Dough Creatures
Source Institutions
In this technology activity, learners light up the room with electrifying play dough creations. Learners use conductive and insulating homemade play dough to build simple circuits.

High Tech Fashion
Source Institutions
In this technology activity, learners build simple circuits, design soft circuits using conductive thread, and then sew switch-activated circuits.
Happy City
Source Institutions
Make a model city happier with LEDs, circuits, motors, and batteries! Groups can think, discuss, design, and build what would make a community happy. Kids can work as part of a team or on their own.

Insulators and Conductors
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the concept of conducting or insulating electricity.
Properties of Metals
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore the properties of metals at four stations. The stations include A) Magnetism and Breakfast Cereal; B) Conductivity of Metals; C) Alloys; and D) Metal Plating.

Another Bright Idea!
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 5 of the PDF, learners use their knowledge of energy and batteries to create homemade flashlights.

Carrying Charges: Testing for Conductivity
Source Institutions
Learners are challenged to create solutions that conduct electricity and make a buzzer buzz (or an LED light up).

Balloon Nanotubes Tabletop
Source Institutions
This activity introduces learners to the structure and properties of carbon nanotubes.