Science Museum of Minnesota

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Here's a very simple activity if you have paper and scissors: make one cut, unfold, and you have a beautiful star! A great way to learn about polygons and origami mathematics.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 8 - 18 Under 5 minutes
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Experiment with force and pressure by building a balloon rocket. When launched, the balloon will run a track wherever you place the string.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 4 - 11 30 to 45 minutes
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Experiment with friction and make bearings for a whirligig! This activity is a nice introduction to friction and bearings and demonstrates why bearings are useful for spinning.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 6 - 11 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners explore the great pump in their chests--the human heart!

$1 - $5 per group Ages 8 - 18 30 to 45 minutes
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In this activity, learners explore electricity and conductivity to find that many things conduct electricity including copper, pencil lead, fruit, play-doh, and even people!

$1 - $5 per student Ages 8 - 18 30 to 45 minutes
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In this activity, learners construct bug models that "jitter" all over the table with just a battery, motor, and counterweight.

$5 - $10 per student Ages 8 - 14 30 to 45 minutes
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In this activity, learners make a parachute out of tissue paper, tape, and string. Then, learners test their parachute to see how many paper clips it can carry.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 4 - 11 1 to 2 hours
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Build a pinwheel that works without wind! This activity contains steps on how to build a parachuting pinwheel out of paper, a film canister, and some brads.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 4 - 8 30 to 45 minutes
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Build your own Mini Mini Golf Course and learn about hands-on building and design, basic circuitry, motion modules and more!

$5 - $10 per student Ages 8 - 18 1 to 4 weeks
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Create airplanes from straws and geometric shapes. Test them out to see how far they can fly, or how accurately they can be aimed.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 4 - 14 30 to 45 minutes