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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7

A Little Drop of Water: Cohesion
Source Institutions
Learners explore water's property of cohesion through two investigations.

In the Toilet
Source Institutions
This activity explores the basic workings of a siphon, which is the core technology that makes toilets work.

Density Rainbow and the Great Viscosity Race
Learners conduct two activities to investigate two properties of liquids: density and viscosity. In a clear container, learners stack 7 different liquids which will layer according to their density.

Outrageous Ooze: Is It a Liquid or a Solid?
Source Institutions
This activity provides instructions for using cornstarch and water to make an ooze which has the properties of both a solid and liquid.

A Slime By Any Other Name
Source Institutions
This fun video explains how to make a batch of oobleck (or slime) and why this special substance is known as a "non-Newtonian" fluid. Watch as Mr.

Can Crushers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners conduct an experiment by heating an aluminum can filled with water to investigate air pressure.

Floating and Falling Flows
Learners create beautiful fluid motion. They explore fluid dynamics, surface tension, solubility, and buoyancy while mixing liquids together.