Search Results
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8

Jumping to Conclusions
Source Institutions
In this online brain stumper, the bottom half of a series of letters is covered. You may think you know what it says, but remove the black bar to see if you're right.

Mirror Messages
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use mirrors to write secret messages to a friend. Use this activity to explore letters, optics, and/or symmetry.

Family Scavenger Hunt
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will take a walk with their family and incorporate a scavenger hunt. They will explore topics like ABC’s, numbers, colors, and shapes as they search for related items.

Average Names
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners compare the number of letters in the names of the people in their families or group of friends.

Handwriting Analysis
Source Institutions
In this forensics activity, students will explore the methods that investigators use to confirm the authenticity of handwriting.

Mixing in Math Moments: Several 5-10 Minute Math Activities
Source Institutions
This website contains several activities. Mixing in Math Moments are activities that take 5-10 minutes that keep learners occupied, learning about the world, and using math on their own.
The Same Names
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners make and explore patterns using the letters in their names, a grid, and some colors.

Squishy Letters
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will practice writing while making a fun messy craft. Learners will explore texture and color as well as develop writing and fine motor skills through this activity.