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These math posters have questions written on them, such as: How fast can a cheetah run? or How long can a giant tortoise live? Post these around the room or leave them out for children to explore.

free Ages 6 - 14 30 to 45 minutes
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In this activity, learners will participate in a scavenger hunt involving sizes, shapes, and numbers. This activity works well with a whole group, individuals, or families.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 6 - 14 10 to 30 minutes
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This activity is a hit for family events and all ages—some will finish in 45 minutes; others can go on for hours.

1 cent - $1 per group Ages 6 - 14 45 to 60 minutes
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This activity combines learning about nutrition, math of measurement and proportion, and healthy eating. Start by distributing food packages with Nutrition Facts labeled.

free Ages 6 - 14 5 to 10 minutes
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Learners combine counting, multiples, and number patterns with jumping up and down. To start, pick a counting number.

free Ages 4 - 14 5 to 10 minutes
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Exponga estos pósteres en el salón o déjelos donde los chicos los puedan explorar. Los chicos buscan las respuestas en libros de consulta, explorando el salón, y usando su creatividad.

free Ages 4 - adult 30 to 45 minutes
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In this activity, learners take a turn contributing a closed figure made of six squares to a large grid; each must be different from all the others on the grid so far.

1 cent - $1 per group Ages 4 - 14 5 to 10 minutes
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In this activity, learners will decide together on a question about how far, long or high the group could reach together.

free Ages 4 - 14 10 to 30 minutes
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Use this activity to build division and number sense into any snack time or whenever there is a limited set of things to share among a group: If we deal these out, could everyone get two pieces?

1 cent - $1 per group Ages 4 - 14 5 to 10 minutes
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In this activity, learners will put a set of containers in order by capacity. Would the tallest container hold more or less water than the wide, short one?

free Ages 4 - 14 5 to 10 minutes