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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Exploring Materials: Ferrofluid
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that a material can act differently when it's nanometer-sized.
Shake and Make: Charge Recognition
Source Institutions
In this activity (page 10), learners explore how molecules self-assemble according to forces of attraction and repulsion.
Magnetic Sensory Bottles
Source Institutions
In this activity learners will investigate magnetic and non-magnetic items in a sensory bottle.
Density Intensity
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 12 of the PDF (Rethinking the 3 R’s: It’s Easy to be Green), learners examine how recyclable materials are separated by various properties at recycling centers.
What's the Matter
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners identify different classes of matter based on physical properties.