Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 32

A Little Drop of Water: Cohesion
Source Institutions
Learners explore water's property of cohesion through two investigations.

Collect Oxygen Over Water
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use a pneumatic trough (see related activity) to generate and collect pure oxygen.

A Recipe for Air
Learners use M&Ms® (or any other multi-color, equally-sized small candy or pieces) to create a pie graph that expresses the composition of air.

Vital Signs
Source Institutions
This activity (on pages 16-23) lets learners measure each other's vital signs—the signs that help doctors understand what's going on in a patient body.

Percentage of Oxygen in the Air
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners calculate the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere by using steel wool's ability to rust.

What's In Your Breath?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners test to see if carbon dioxide is present in the air we breathe in and out by using a detector made from red cabbage.

Carbon Dioxide Removal
Source Institutions
In this experiment using sprigs of Elodea, learners will observe a natural process that removes carbon dioxide (CO2) from Earth's atmosphere.

Rocket Science
Source Institutions
Learners create a small explosion by collecting hydrogen and oxygen gas together and squeezing them into a flame.

Heart and Lungs
Source Institutions
In this environmental health activity, learners investigate their breathing and pulse rates, and learn how these measurements are affected by physical activity.

What's in the Water?: Biotic and Abiotic Elements in Aquatic Ecosystems
Source Institutions
In this investigation learners explore the differences between, and interdependence of, living and nonliving elements in a water ecosystem.

Production of Oxygen
Source Institutions
In this chemistry activity, learners use yeast and hydrogen peroxide to generate a gas (oxygen) and test some of its properties.

Got Gas?
Source Institutions
Create gas with a glass of water, some wire, conductors and a battery! You will be separating water (H2O) into oxygen and hydrogen.

Salt Water Revival
Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners visit the intertidal zone of a rocky coastal site well populated with marine organisms.

Indicating Electrolysis
Source Institutions
Electrolysis is the breakdown of water into hydrogen and oxygen. This Exploratorium activity allows learners to visualize the process with an acid-based indicator.

What Color is Your Air Today?
Learners develop awareness and understanding of the daily air quality using the Air Quality Index (AQI) listed in the newspaper or online.

Respiration Relay
Source Institutions
In this physical activity, groups of learners act as blood cells traveling through the circulatory system.

Earth Atmosphere Composition
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use rice grains to model the composition of the atmosphere of the Earth today and in 1880. Learners assemble the model while measuring percentages.

Fast Rusting
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners conduct an experiment to find out if steel wool will weigh more or less when it is burned. Learners will explore the effects of oxidation and rusting on the steel wool.

Indicating Electrolysis
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners build a simple electrolysis device. Then learners use an indicating solution to visualize hydrogen and oxygen molecules in water.

Atmosphere Composition Model
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create a model using metric measuring tapes and atmosphere composition data.