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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

Mountain Mash
Source Institutions
Learners model the processes that formed some of Earth's largest mountain ranges: the Himalayas, the Andes, and the Alps.

Earth Walk
Source Institutions
In this hands-on and feet-on excursion, learners take a science walk to visualize the planet's immense size and numerous structures, without the usual scale and ratio dimensions found in most textbook

Mountains in the Sea
Source Institutions
In this 6-7 day investigation, learners begin with an introduction to seamounts that are present in the Gulf of Alaska.

Reunite Pangaea
Source Institutions
Learners cut out pictures of continents and attempt to put them together to form Pangaea, the supercontinent present on the Earth approximately 300 million years ago.

Take a Tectonic Vacation
Source Institutions
This multi-part activity from the National Parks Service blends the science of plate tectonics with the culture and history of places with dramatic geologic landscapes.