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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Amazing Albedo
Source Institutions
In this experiment, learners work in teams to investigate how the color of a surface influences its ability to reflect light and therefore heat.

Surface Tension Icebreaker
Source Institutions
This is a quick activity (located on page 2 of the PDF under Nasturtium Leaves Activity) about surface tension.

Surface Tension
Source Institutions
In this activity exploring liquid dynamics, learners design and build a clay channel in a tray of water and then see what happens when food coloring and liquid soap are added to the mix.

Pepper Scatter
Source Institutions
In this quick activity, learners break the tension that happens when water develops a "skin." Learners use water, pepper and some soap to discover the wonders of surface tension—the force that attract

Cold Metal
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that our hands are not reliable thermometers.

Gecko Feet
Source Institutions
This is an activity (located on page 3 of PDF under Gecko Feet Activity) about modeling a nanoscale phenomenon (gravity-defying gecko feet) with macroscale objects (shoes).

Shrinking Cups
Source Institutions
This is a quick activity (on page 2 of the PDF under Gecko Feet Activity) about the forces of gravity and surface tension and how their behavior is influenced by size.

Cookie Surface Area
Source Institutions
This is an activity (on page 2 of the PDF under Surface Area Activity) about surface area to volume ratio.

Forces at the Nanoscale: Nano Properties of Everyday Plants
Source Institutions
This is an activity (located on page 3 of PDF under Nasturtium Leaves Activity) about surface tension.