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In this activity (on page 12 of the PDF), learners make a sundial (shadow clock) appropriate for their geographic location in the northern hemisphere and use it to tell time. This is an introductory activity in a guide related to the science of sleep and daily rhythms, but can also be used to explain how to measure time via the relative positions of Earth and the sun. This lesson guide includes background information, setup and management tips, extensions and handouts.
- Under 5 minutes
- 1 to 7 days
- $1 - $5 per group of students
- Ages 8 - 14
- Activity, Experiment/Lab Activity, Lesson/Lesson Plan
- English
Quick Guide
Materials List (per group of students)
- Digital thermometer with several sterile covers (and access to a fever thermometer at home)
- Copy of student sheet (p. 20)
- Source of natural sunlight, or fluorescent "grow light" with timer
- 4 bean plants (purchase or grow in small pots from seed)
- Study animals that can be observed in the classroom throughout the day (gerbils, birds, crickets, etc.)
- Science journals or graph paper
- Stopwatch or timer (if necessary)
- Other materials as needed
Earth and Space Science
Earth, Moon and Sun
- Days
Earth, Moon and Sun
Life Sciences
Diversity of Life
- Plants
- Animals
- Ecology
Heredity and Genetics
- Human Genetics
Human Body
- The Brain and Nervous System
- Circulation
- Health and Nutrition
Diversity of Life
- Patterns
Data Analysis and Probability
- Data Analysis
- Data Collection
- Data Representation
- Rate
- Reasoning and Proof
- Representation
The Nature of Technology
The Design Process
- Problem Solving
The Design Process
Physical Sciences
Heat and Thermodynamics
- Heat and Temperature
Heat and Thermodynamics
The Nature of Science
The Scientific Process
- Conducting Investigations
- Gathering Data
- Formulating Explanations
- Communicating Results
The Scientific Process
Informal Categories
- Animals
- Gardening
- Nature and Environment
To use this activity, learners need to:
- see
- read
- touch
Learning styles supported:
- Involves teamwork and communication skills
- Involves hands-on or lab activities
Components that are part of this resource:
Includes alignment to state and/or national standards:
This resource is part of:
Access Rights:
- Free access
- Moreno, Nancy P. ; Tharp, Barbara Z. ; Vogt, Greg L.
- All rights reserved, Baylor College of Medicine, 2009
Funding Source:
- NASA, NCC 9-58