howtosmile and Earth Day, April 22nd

This is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day—one of the biggest science events of the year. 2020 brings new challenges for Earth Day as schools and museums remain closed and many learners and their families are sheltering-in-place. We have put together two new activity lists for learners—divided by the age—to celebrate safety at-home or outdoors with good social distancing practices. Activities use print-outs and simple materials that can be found at home.

Earth Day At Home For Young Learners Earth Day At Home For Tweens, Teens, and Older Learners

To add context to these activities, each list also has some Earth image, e-book, or videos connections from NASA and NOAA. These beautiful visuals and additional reading are great strategies to help extend learner engagement.

howtosmile also has several relevant topic pages for Earth Day. The activities on each of these topics pages have been curated using an educational or colloquial frameworks to help guide learning strategies. The frameworks include national standards, big idea lists, popular media content, and concept maps. Earth Day related topic pages include the following.

Ocean Literacy Energy Climate Life Sciences

And finally please check out these great pages for additional ideas and resources to celebrate Earth Day at-home. Find more activities and media to extend your fun.

Earth Day 2020 - 50th Anniversary, At-Home Friendly Experiences from the NISE Network Exploratorium – Celebrate Earth Day Wherever You Are #EarthDayAtHome with NASA