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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16

Setting the Scene
Source Institutions
In this activity (on page 2), pairs of learners create an imaginary crime scene. One person leaves the room while the other person moves a few things around.

Who Goes There?
Source Institutions
In this outdoor, night activity, learners track nocturnal animals' footprints, droppings and other signs of their presence.

Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity and observation game, learners hunt for a variety of textures, colors, odors and evidence of organisms in the activity site.

Forensic Science: Hair Sample Investigation
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 2 of the PDF under SciGirls Activity: Forensics) is a full inquiry investigation into how hairs from a crime scene are matched to suspects.

Super Sleuths
Source Institutions
In this physical sciences activity, learners use science to solve a "crime." Learners collect trace evidence (glitter) and explore its characteristics, such as color, size, shape, and light reflection
Narrow It Down: Asking Yes-No Questions
Source Institutions
In this activity, the learner asks yes-no questions to identify a secret object (similar to Twenty Questions). This game is easy to adapt for different ages and different kinds of contexts.

Food Chain Game
Source Institutions
In this outdoor game, learners role play populations linked in a food chain.

Source Institutions
In this outdoor activity, learners become beachcombers as they walk on a sandy beach in search of evidence of life.

Medical Mystery
Source Institutions
This activity (on pages 15-23) combines interactive role-playing and graphing to introduce learners to the health affects of pollen.

Print Hints
Source Institutions
In this physical sciences activity, learners explore how forensic investigators collect prints from a crime scene. Learners make hand impressions in damp sand and analyze the patterns they observe.
Narrow it Down: Numbers
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will ask yes-no questions to identify a secret number (similar to Twenty Questions). Combine logic and numbers in this game for all ages.

Signs of Life
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners examine photo images of Earth taken from space, and attempt to identify and explain some of our planet's geological features.

Mystery Number
Source Institutions
Combine logic and numbers in this game for all ages. Players start with a 10x10 grid of the numbers 1 to 100. One person chooses a secret number and announces the range in which it falls.

Air Pressure
Source Institutions
In this experiment, learners use a blow dryer and water bottle to observe and record changes in air pressure caused by changes in temperature.

Finding Fossils
Source Institutions
This activity (located on page 4 of the PDF under GPS: Baby Dinosaurs Activity) is a full inquiry investigation to determine the age of fossils based on where they are discovered.

Plaster Casts
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners combine two substances (plaster of Paris and water) to make a cast of an object's imprint in clay.