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In this activity, learners explore phosphorescence and how certain materials can absorb and store energy from a light source.

$10 - $20 per group Ages 11 - 14 45 to 60 minutes
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In this activity, learners explore the relative efficiency of different bulbs, specifically incandescent vs. fluorescent.

Over $20 per group Ages 8 - 14 10 to 30 minutes
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Make two firefly lanterns, then program them to blink to one another and change colors.

Over $20 per group Ages 8 - adult 2 to 4 hours
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In this demonstration/experiment, learners discover that different colors and materials (metals, fabrics, paints) radiate different amounts of energy and therefore, cool at different rates.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 8 - 14 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners simulate the energy transfer between the earth and space by using the light from a desk lamp desk lamp with an incandescent bulb and a stack of glass plates.

$1 - $5 per student Ages 8 - 14 10 to 30 minutes
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This activity generates learner excitement about light through the creation of a room-sized rainbow.

1 cent - $1 per group Ages 8 - 14 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners use rice grains to model the composition of the atmosphere of the Earth today and in 1880. Learners assemble the model while measuring percentages.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 11 - 18 1 to 2 hours
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Learners observe different light sources, outdoors and indoors, using prism glasses (diffraction glasses) and color filters.

$5 - $10 per student Ages 4 - 8 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners explore liquid crystals, light and temperature. Using a postcard made of temperature-sensitive liquid crystal material, learners monitor temperature changes.

$1 - $5 per student Ages 8 - 18 10 to 30 minutes
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In this four-part activity, learners explore light and sound through a variety of hands-on investigations.

$5 - $10 per group Ages 8 - 14 1 to 2 hours
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This activity models the way Landsat satellites use a thermal infrared sensor to measure land surface temperatures.

Over $20 per group Ages 4 - adult 5 to 10 minutes
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In this activity, learners explore how infrared technology is used by engineers to create equipment and systems for a variety of industries.

$10 - $20 per group Ages 8 - 18 1 to 2 hours