Search Results
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Chances Are: OH NO! Look Out Below for a UFO
Source Institutions
In this math lesson (on Page 13), learners predict and simulate the likelihood of an event occurring.

Chances Are: It's a Mystery to Me
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners extend their understanding of basic probability concepts as they learn to name all of the possible outcomes of an event as well as ways to express the likelihood of such

Probability: Chances Are
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners identify the likelihood of an event by using a walk-on probability scale.

Race to the Top
Source Institutions
In this math game (Page 6 of the Are You Game? PDF), learners examine the probability of rolling sums from 0 to 12 with two dice. The first player to reach the finish line is the winner.

I Don't Think So!
Source Institutions
In this math activity, learners explore probability as they play a game. Learners will categorize everyday events as either impossible, possible or certain.

When Pigs Fly
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners explore probability.

Tossing Coins
Source Institutions
In this math game (Page 17 of the Are You Game? PDF), learners investigate probability by tossing coins.

The Great Toss Off!
Source Institutions
In this math game, learners toss plastic cups to land just right and collect points to win.

Toss a Score!
Source Institutions
In this math game, learners toss plastic cups to land just right and collect points to win.