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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10

What Do You Know About Microbes?
Source Institutions
This is a series of quick activities/demos and pre-assessment tools that evaluate learners' current understanding of microbes and introduce them to basic information about microbes.

Biological Succession in a Microecosystem
Source Institutions
This laboratory activity helps learners understand the concept of biological succession by simulating the process in a microenvironment with various protozoans.

Herbal Medicines
Source Institutions
In this open-ended multicultural lab activity, learners investigate the effectiveness of herbal remedies.

Investigating the Uses of Backyard Bacteria
Source Institutions
The purpose of this lab is to recognize that the answers to some of society's industrial challenges may lie right in our own backyards.

On the Microbe Trail: An Introduction to Bacteria and Aseptic Technique
Source Institutions
In this series of exercises, learners predict the conditions necessary for bacterial growth, test their predictions and at the same time practice the aseptic techniques and safety procedures needed wh

Modeling an HIV Particle
Source Institutions
This activity helps learners visualize the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) by constructing three-dimensional HIV particle models from paper.

Magnifying and Observing Cells
Source Institutions
In this activity related to microbes, learners make slides of cells from an onion skin and Elodea (American or Canadian waterweed) to observe under a microscope.

Demonstrating An Epidemic
Source Institutions
This experiment allows learners to experience a small scale "epidemic," demonstrating the ease with which disease organisms are spread, and enables learners to determine the originator of the "epidemi

Tools of Magnification
Source Institutions
In this activity related to microbes, learners use water drops and hand lenses to begin the exploration of magnification. This activity also introduces learners to the microscope.

Microbes are Everywhere
Source Institutions
In this four-day activity, learners grow bacteria and/or fungi from a variety of locations and compare the results.