Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Minibeast Models
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create models of bugs. Learners use household materials like plastic cups and straws to create models of bugs like centipedes and spiders.

How the Mushroom Got Its Spots
Source Institutions
In this activity (p.26 of PDF), learners discover why mushrooms have spots. Learners use a balloon, toilet paper, and water to simulate what happens as mushrooms grow.

Natural Selection Because of Different Color: Camouflage
Source Institutions
In this activity (p.5-6 of PDF), learners investigate natural selection. Learners discover that natural selection, which takes place over decades, can lead to altered populations within a species.

Mushroom Murder Mystery
Source Institutions
In this game (p.28 of PDF), learners discover different fungal lifestyles and the various roles that fungi play in nature. Learners play the roles of fungi and must find their corresponding trees.

How to Make a Spore Print
Source Institutions
In this activity (p.25 of PDF), learners investigate spores. Mushrooms produce millions of spores which are equivalent to the seeds of plants but without the massive food reserves.

Making Paper with Fungi
Source Institutions
In this activity (p.24 of PDF), learners make paper with fungi. Learners discover that paper is basically a flat mat of fibers.

My Insect
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use information gathered from a variety of sources to design and make their own insect.

Easy PEAsy Seed Germination
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners determine the necessary conditions for pea seed germination.

Dyeing Wool with Fungi
Source Institutions
In this activity (p.23 of PDF), learners dye wool with fungi. Learners discover that natural chemicals in fungi can dye wool different colors.

Hunting Minibeasts
Source Institutions
In this activity (p.6-10 of PDF), learners use different methods for hunting minibeasts (bugs). Learners can either make traps or simply look for minibeasts under stones and logs.