California Science Center

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In this activity, learners will create a model rocket out of an inflated balloon attached to a straw on a taught string.

$1 - $5 per student Ages 4 - 11 5 to 10 minutes
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In this activity, learners will create a magnifying glass called a waterscope, using water and household items, to examine various objects.

$1 - $5 per student Ages 4 - 11 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners create slime to model mucus and examine how it collects simulated particles. Mucus keeps particles from the environment out of our lungs when we breathe.

$5 - $10 per student Ages 4 - 11 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners concoct some stretchy green goo called Gak. This activity will introduce learners to polymers, chemical reactions, and how scientists invent new materials.

$1 - $5 per student Ages 4 - 11 5 to 10 minutes