Kohl Children's Museum

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In this activity, reuse two-liter bottles to create bowling pins. Learners practice math skills and develop a concept of verifying answers, while bowling and keeping score.

1 cent - $1 per group Ages 4 - 8 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners explore properties of water and watch evaporation happen by "painting" with water in the sun.

$5 - $10 per group Ages 4 - 8 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners discover how exercise helps keep the body healthy. Learners increase their heart rates by running and understand how running fast versus walking affects their pulse rates.

free Ages 6 - 14 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners observe, explore and investigate vibrating instruments in everyday places and create music in unique ways.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 4 - 8 5 to 10 minutes
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In this activity, learners follow a recipe to create play dough scented with fruit-flavored drink mix.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 4 - 8 30 to 45 minutes
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In this activity, learners observe color mixing and absorbency using colored tissue paper and spray bottles.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 4 - 8 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners investigate wind by comparing the force of wind in different locations. Learners build wind-o-meters out of wooden sticks and strips of paper.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 6 - 11 45 to 60 minutes
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In this activity, learners explore and experiment how we can use our bodies everyday to get from one place to another.

1 cent - $1 per group Ages 4 - 8 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity, learners investigate and compare the rate of drying in different conditions.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 6 - 11 30 to 45 minutes
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In this activity, learners investigate how different materials repel or absorb water. Learners use spray bottles to explore how everyday items like sponges, cardboard, feathers, etc.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 4 - 8 30 to 45 minutes