My Science Box
Is It Alive?
Source Institutions
What does it mean to be alive? Is a cactus alive? Is a seed alive? Is the air we breathe alive? What are the necessary characteristics?
Slimy Cells
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners solidify their conceptualization of cells by building a model of a cell in a ziplock bag.
Making Babies
Source Institutions
This activity is designed to introduce learners to genes, genotypes and simple inheritance patterns.
Protein Factory
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners take on the role of various parts of the cell in order to model the process of protein synthesis.
Human Traits
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate variations in human traits. This allows learners' natural curiosity about their identity to draw them into the study of heredity.
DNA Fingerprinting
Source Institutions
In this forensics activity, learners solve a mystery using “DNA” taken from the scene of the crime.
Bird Beak Buffet
Source Institutions
In this classic activity, learners investigate natural selection by becoming birds foraging for food on an island.
Testing for Life's Molecules
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners conduct tests for proteins, glucose, and starch.