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Showing results 1 to 20 of 68
Lean, Mean Information Machine: Using a Simple Model to Learn about Chromosomal DNA
Source Institutions
Learners observe a model of a cell and its chromosomal DNA made from a plastic egg and dental floss. Use this model to illustrate how much DNA is held in one cell.
String Genome
Source Institutions
In this biology activity (page 5 of the PDF), learners use yarn and sticky labels to build a model of a DNA strand. They discover that DNA is very long, very skinny, and packs well into cells.
Is That DNA in My Food?
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners extract DNA from wheat germ. Use this activity to introduce learners to DNA, biotechnology and genetic engineering.
lambda DNA Fingerprinting Simulation
Source Institutions
The purpose of this lab activity is to demonstrate (through simulation) how DNA fingerprinting (or DNA profiling) might be used to solve a crime.
DNA From an Onion
Source Institutions
In this genetics activity, learners extract DNA from an onion, using detergent solution, a food processor, and rubbing alcohol. They will also discuss genetic engineering of plants.
DNA Modeling Activity
Source Institutions
Using pipe cleaners, straws, and beads, learners explore the building blocks of life by creating their own model of DNA.
Isolation of DNA from Onion
Source Institutions
This laboratory exercise is designed to show learners how DNA can easily be extracted from onion cells. It includes an optional test for the presence of DNA.
Secret Codon
Source Institutions
In this activity, "write" a secret message in genetic code as beads on a string.
Keeping a Field Journal
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners start their own field journal to better understand the wildlife in their area.
Effect of Environment on Plant Growth
Source Institutions
The purpose of this plant biotechnology activity is to demonstrate the effect of changes in the environment on the growth and fertility of landscape grasses and crop grasses such as wheat and rice.
Life Size: What's in a microbe?
Source Institutions
In this activity on page 3 of the PDF, learners visualize the relative size and structural differences between microbes that have the potential to cause disease.
Giant Chromosomes: Fruit Fly DNA and You
Source Institutions
Many of the genetic sequences found in the fruit fly genome are similar to those found in humans.
Transformation of E. coli Using Green Fluorescent Protein
Source Institutions
In this activity related to plant biotechnology, learners transform a strain of E. coli using green fluorescent protein from a bioluminescent jellies.
Yummy Gummy Double Helix
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make their own edible DNA double helix out of candy and find out about the shape of DNA.
Lima Bean Bacteria DNA Extraction
Source Institutions
This laboratory exercise is designed to show learners how DNA can easily be extracted from lima bean bacteria. This experiment requires the use of a centrifuge (not included in cost of materials).
DNA Detective
Source Institutions
This activity is about collecting and analyzing DNA as part of a criminal investigation.
Gel Electrophoresis
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners simulate the process of DNA fingerprinting by using electricity to separate colored dyes.
Does Sunscreen Protect My DNA?
Source Institutions
In this laboratory experiment, learners explore how effectively different sunscreens protect yeast cells from damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Finding a Gene on the Chromosome Map
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use pedigree and jigsaw puzzles to explore how scientists use genetic information from a family to identify a gene associated with a genetic disorder.
DNA the Easy Way
Source Institutions
This demonstration can be used to help learners visualize DNA by lysing (breaking open) bacterial cells on a slide and “stringing up” the DNA with a toothpick in less than one minute.