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In this activity, learners create slime to model mucus and examine how it collects simulated particles. Mucus keeps particles from the environment out of our lungs when we breathe.

$5 - $10 per student Ages 4 - 11 10 to 30 minutes
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Our bodies produce snot, or mucus, that we blow from our noses. In this activity, learners will create a model of how snot works and will explore how it keeps our bodies healthy.

Ages 8 - adult 10 to 30 minutes
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In this health activity (on page 3 of the PDF), learners will learn about the body‘s defenses against invasion from tiny particles.

$10 - $20 per group Ages 8 - 14 30 to 45 minutes
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Can you avoid the body's immune system and make someone sick? Play this online game in which you go inside a human body to explore how viruses attack cells in the body.

free Ages 8 - 14 5 to 10 minutes