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In this environmental science activity (page 3 of the PDF), leaners will identify and explain the causes of erosion.

Over $20 per group Ages 8 - 11 1 to 7 days
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In this outdoor activity, learners investigate the relationship between the slope of a trail and soil erosion.

$10 - $20 per group Ages 8 - 18 45 to 60 minutes
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In this environmental education demonstration (page 6 of the PDF), learners will see a tangible representation of the scarcity of soil resources on earth.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 8 - 11 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity about soil (page 7 of the PDF), learners will use their sense of touch as well as sight to understand how soil is classified based on texture and other details.

$5 - $10 per group Ages 8 - 11 4 to 24 hours
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In this outdoor archaeology activity, learners use mathematical skills and scientific inquiry to generate and process information from their own excavation site.

$10 - $20 per group Ages 11 - 18 1 to 7 days
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In this environmental science activity, learners research what is essential for plant life and the necessary components of soil to support plants.

Over $20 per group Ages 11 - 14 1 to 4 weeks
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Discover how the salt in soil affects plant growth with a few seeds, some cotton, and salt. In this hands-on activity, you will plant seeds in 2 different kinds of soil, containing more or less salt.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 6 - 11 1 to 7 days
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In this activity, learners will examine various world data maps to combine the information and predict which areas could be tropical rainforests.

1 cent - $1 per group Ages 8 - 14 45 to 60 minutes
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In this activity, learners create a soil and water model of a single-cell life environment and study living microorganisms.

$5 - $10 per group Ages 8 - 18 1 to 7 days
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In this activity, learners explore the different heating properties of soil and water.

$1 - $5 per group Ages 8 - 14 2 to 4 hours
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In this activity, learners model erosion using a clear shoebox and sand or soil.

$5 - $10 per group Ages 8 - 11 1 to 2 hours
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In this sunny day experiment, learners measure and compare how quickly light and dark colored materials absorb heat.

$5 - $10 per group Ages 8 - 14 10 to 30 minutes
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In this activity (page 11 of the PDF), learners investigate how quickly water moves through various materials. They measure and compare the permeability of gravel, sand, and soil.

$10 - $20 per group Ages 11 - 14 45 to 60 minutes
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This activity demonstrates liquefaction, the process by which some soils lose their solidity during an earthquake.

1 cent - $1 per group Ages 8 - 18 10 to 30 minutes
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This activity models some of the ways natural processes, such as erosion and sediment pollution, affect Earth’s landscape.

Over $20 per group Ages 4 - adult 5 to 10 minutes
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In this activity, learners investigate soil erosion. Learners set up a simulation to observe how water can change the land and move nutrients from one place to another.

$1 - $5 per student Ages 6 - 11 10 to 30 minutes
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The purpose of this lab is to recognize that the answers to some of society's industrial challenges may lie right in our own backyards.

$10 - $20 per group Ages 14 - 18 1 to 7 days
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In this activity, learners investigate soil conditions by creating a soil map. Learners record soil characteristics and compare the conditions of soil in different grid sections.

1 cent - $1 per student Ages 4 - 14 1 to 2 hours
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In this activity, learners examine the different materials gardeners add to their soil, and discuss how these materials are important for plant growth.

Over $20 per student Ages 11 - 14 45 to 60 minutes
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In this investigation, learners plant seeds in a 2-liter bottle filled with soil that is connected to a water source below. Over the next few weeks, learners observe how the plants grow.

$1 - $5 per student Ages 4 - 14 1 to 4 weeks