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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Geometry and Spatial Relations: Mirror, Mirror
Source Institutions
In this math lesson, learners use hinged mirrors to discover that regular polygons are composed of triangles tessellating around a center point.
Gumdrop Dome
Source Institutions
In this activity (located on pages 23-24 of the PDF), learners are introduced to structural engineering and encouraged to practice goal-oriented building.
Pyramids and Triangles
Source Institutions
Straws and pipe cleaners are terrific materials for building models of pyramids and cubes.
Non-Round Rollers
Source Institutions
Wheels aren't the only things that can "roll" objects that are placed on top of it. Make non-intuitive shapes from cutouts and a compass to demonstrate this.
Turning the Tables
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore geometry and spatial relationships as they figure out how to arrange tables for a party.
Dowels and Rubber Bands I
Source Institutions
If you have 3-foot dowels and rubber bands, you can can started on this fun and open design challenge. You can make structures big and small: make it so you can fit your parent into it!
Build a Super Structure
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use things from the kitchen as building materials to explore how shapes contribute to the strength of different structures.
Toothpick Patterns
Source Institutions
In this hands-on activity, learners use toothpicks to build different triangles and squares and then use the toothpicks to build and solve some tricky shape puzzles.
The Four-Square Quilt
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners arrange triangles together to make patterns to create paper quilts. Learners experiment with arranging the triangles in different ways to make various designs.
Looking Through the Algebraic Lens
Source Institutions
In this two-part math lesson, learners investigate problems that foster algebraic thinking across content strands. In the first part, learners explore even and odd numbers linked to quilts.
Speedy Shelter
Source Institutions
In this design challenge activity, learners invent an emergency shelter that can fit a person and is sturdy and quick to build.
Geodesic Gumdrops: Candy and Toothpick Architecture
Source Institutions
This hands-on activity shows you how to build basic architectural shapes out of toothpicks and gumdrops.
Gumdrop Dome
Source Institutions
In this engineering activity, learners construct sturdy geodesic structures out of gumdrops and toothpicks. Use this activity to explore engineering principles as well as sturdy shapes and triangles.
Rotating String Shapes
Source Institutions
In this group activity, learners make multi-sided polygons with string.
String Shapes
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners work together to make polygons (many-sided shapes) with string. Learners sit on the floor and hold onto a piece of string slid between their thumbs and index fingers.