Search Results
Showing results 1 to 20 of 21

Baroreceptor Reflex Role Play
Source Institutions
In this activity about the baroreceptor reflex (BR) arc (page 123 of the PDF), learners discover the importance of maintaining adequate arterial blood pressure through a role playing exercise.

Our Sense of Sight: Color Vision
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate color vision as well as plan and conduct their own experiments.

Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore their eye pupils and how they change.

Slap Shot
Source Institutions
How quick are your reflexes? In this online game, you are a hockey goalie defending quick slap shots. Learn about reaction time, muscle memory, and reflexes.

Mirrorly a Window
Source Institutions
In this activity about light and reflection, learners discover that what you see is often affected by what you expect to see.

Tactile Mazes
Source Institutions
In this activity (15th activity on the page) about the sense of touch, learners use glue and cardboard to construct a maze they use with their eyes closed.

Where Was That?
Source Institutions
In this activity (9th activity on the page), learners work in pairs to see how their perception of touch differs from reality.

Become a Neurologist: Detective Threshold
Source Institutions
In this neuroscience activity (4th activity on the page), learners make their own set of Von Frey hairs to test detection thresholds.

Finger Reading
Source Institutions
In this activity (10th activity on the page) about the sense of touch, learners make Braille letters out of cork or cardboard and map pins.

Don't Be Nerve-ous
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover a brain process called habituation.

Tactile Double Trouble
Source Institutions
In this activity (11th activity on the page), learners use their sense of touch to identify matching pairs of objects hidden in bags. Learners can also play this game with partners.

Half Full or Half Empty
Source Institutions
In this activity (12th activity on the page), learners conduct an experiment to demonstrate how muscles are constantly feeding information to the brain about what they are doing.

Active Touch
Source Institutions
In this activity (14th activity on the page) about the sense of touch, learners examine if it is easier or harder to identify an object if they move their hands over it.

Touch Boards
Source Institutions
Use this activity (13th activity on the page) to introduce learners to the sense of touch. Learners collect objects of varying textures like feathers, rocks, sand, etc.

Cold Metal
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners discover that our hands are not reliable thermometers.

Brain Box (Bag) of Science
Source Institutions
In this neuroscience activity (5th activity on the page), learners explore their sense of touch without using their senses of vision and hearing.

Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes...and Hands, Fingers and Back
Source Institutions
Are fingers the only place on the body where we use our sense of touch? In this activity (6th activity on the page), learners test the touch sensitivity of different parts of the body.

Draw Your Nervous System
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners work together to create a life-sized drawing of the human nervous system.

Source Institutions
This online game tests reaction time. The learner controls a computer-generated frog, and must press a button as soon as a fly appears on the game's radar screen or can be heard from the speaker.

The Braille Alphabet
Source Institutions
In this activity (8th activity on the page) about the sense of touch, learners make their own set of Braille letters. Learners use glue to make raised dots on a Braille Alphabet Sheet.