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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Absorb & Repel
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate how different materials repel or absorb water. Learners use spray bottles to explore how everyday items like sponges, cardboard, feathers, etc.
Amazing Albedo
Source Institutions
In this experiment, learners work in teams to investigate how the color of a surface influences its ability to reflect light and therefore heat.
Chew that Gum
Source Institutions
In this quick activity (page 1 of PDF under SciGirls Activity: Exercise and Memory), learners will investigate what happens to bubble gum when it is chewed for 5-10 minutes.
Five Second Dash
Source Institutions
This is an activity about prediction. How far can you hop in 5 seconds? Could you make it to the door? Across the room? Everyone lines up and tries it.
Rocket Reactions
Source Institutions
The "Rocket Reactions" activity is an exciting way to learn about how materials interact, behave, and change.
Design and Build a Barometer
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners make a barometer, an instrument to measure change in air pressure.
How Many In a Minute
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will keep track of how much they can do in one minute. Instructors can pick something everyone will do for a minute, such as jumping up and down or drawing stars.
Piles of Paper: Estimate Paper Use
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners keep track of how much paper the group uses in a week. Build awareness of paper waste, while strengthening measurement and estimation skills.
Is It Possible: Estimating Measurement
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will decide together on a question about how far, long or high the group could reach together.
Size Them Up: Learning About Volume and Capacity
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will put a set of containers in order by capacity. Would the tallest container hold more or less water than the wide, short one?
Pocket Change: Math and Coin Toss
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will play a coin toss game where the highest total wins. Combine coin recognition, addition, and probability with a game learners can play on their own.
Magnetism Hunt
Source Institutions
In this activity about magnetism (page 4 of the PDF), learners will experiment with magnets and different objects to find out that not all metals are attracted to magnets.
Circle Logic
Source Institutions
This is a deceptively simple game to teach strategy, planning, and pattern analysis. In this game, learners take turns removing tokens from a board, and develop a plan to take the last piece.
Investigating Starch
Source Institutions
In this activity (on pages 10-15), learners investigate starch in human diets and how plants make starch (carbohydrates) to use as their food source.
Balls and Ramps
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use simple, everyday materials to experiment with balls and ramps.
Line Up: Using Math To Stand In Line
Source Institutions
Put math of measurement into lining up — and make waiting in line fun. Choose a size characteristic that learners can physically compare, such as foot length or hair length.
Filling the Time
Source Institutions
Build time sense into the schedule by asking learners to predict what can happen in a certain amount of time: We have 20 minutes before outdoor time. What can you get done?
Air Pressure
Source Institutions
In this experiment, learners use a blow dryer and water bottle to observe and record changes in air pressure caused by changes in temperature.
Dinosaur Skull and Body Length Predictions
Source Institutions
In this activity (located on page 2 of PDF under GPS: Baby Dinosaurs Activity), learners will look for a relationship between skull size and body length among various dinosaurs.
Make Your Own Weather Station
Source Institutions
This three-part activity shows learners how to build three meteorology tools: a wind vane, a rain gauge, and a barometer.