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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
The Jelly Bean Challenge
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners explore how their sense of smell affects their taste buds. Learners taste different flavored jelly beans while holding their nose.

Smelly Balloons
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners sniff out scents hidden in balloons! After investigating, learners discover we sometimes can use another sense (smell) to detect things too small to see.

Expose Your Nose
Source Institutions
In this simple exploratory activity (1st activity on the page), blindfolded learners try to identify mystery items by smell.

Our Chemical Senses: Olfaction
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the olfactory system by conducting several experiments.

Source Institutions
In this activity about olfaction (9th activity on the page), learners smell 10 different items with different odors, including some edible food items.

Our Sense of Hearing
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners investigate the sense of hearing and plan and conduct their own experiments.

Animal Scent
Source Institutions
This activity (on page 3 of the PDF under GPS: Animal Scent Activity) is a full inquiry investigation into animal behavior.

Smell Detective
Source Institutions
In this activity about olfaction (8th activity on the page), learners smell 10 different items with different odors. Then they try to identify the smells when they are mixed together.

Sticky Snot
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners create slime to model mucus and examine how it collects simulated particles. Mucus keeps particles from the environment out of our lungs when we breathe.

The Nose Knows
Source Institutions
In this activity (2nd activity on the page), learners explore how the nose is responsible for part of the flavor we taste in food.

Make Your Own Perfume
Source Institutions
In this activity about olfaction (7th activity on the page), learners use natural ingredients to concoct their own perfume.

Smell the Difference
Source Institutions
In this two-part activity, learners use household items to smell the difference between some stereoisomers, or molecules which are mirror images of one another.

Snotty Nose
Source Institutions
Our bodies produce snot, or mucus, that we blow from our noses. In this activity, learners will create a model of how snot works and will explore how it keeps our bodies healthy.

No It's Snot
Source Institutions
In this health activity (on page 3 of the PDF), learners will learn about the body‘s defenses against invasion from tiny particles.

How Sweet It Is
Source Institutions
In this activity (4th activity on the page), learners use their sense of smell to rate and arrange containers filled with different dilutions of a scent (like cologne or fruit juice) in order from wea

Smell Match
Source Institutions
In this matching activity (3rd activity on the page), learners use their sense of smell to match pairs of opaque containers filled with various smelly items like orange peel, roses, or moth balls.

Scented Dough
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners follow a recipe to create play dough scented with fruit-flavored drink mix.

Scent Tag
Source Institutions
In this matchmaking activity (on page 2 of the PDF under GPS: Animal Scent Activity), learners will each have a scented cotton ball taped to their shoulder. The scent (e.g.

Delicious Smelling Chemistry
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners use household materials to investigate and explore their ability to smell an odor.

Molecule Match
Source Institutions
In this activity, learners will use their nose to sniff out hidden scents using extracts and cotton balls. Activity includes materials list, game instructions, STEM connections and more.